Freelancer visa for Dubai

The Freelance Permit offers the ability to operate as a freelance professional. The Permit identifies you as a sole practitioner and enables you to conduct your business in your birth name as opposed to a brand name.

United Arab Emirates


The application fees for this visa would be $2041.


The minimum required monthly income for this visa is $0.


This visa allows you to stay in the country for a duration of 24 months.


To read more about and apply for this visa, click the icon above.

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Documents Required

  • The following documents will be required from the applicant before a Freelancer Permit can be issued.
    Please note that all documents must be submitted in the original format where indicated below
  • Application form
  • Clear Valid Passport copy of the Applicant with Residence Visa Page (if any)

Conditional Document(s):

  • Appointment Declaration duly signed by the applicant and acknowledged by the current sponsor (if the applicant is sponsored by existing employer in UAE)


  • Permit Fees AED 7500.00
    An additional fee of AED 10 as “Knowledge Dirham” and AED 10 as “Innovation Dirham” is applicable per transaction.

User Notes:

  • If the document is issued or executed outside the UAE, it must be (i) attested by a notary public in the country in which it is executed and (ii) authenticated in that country up to (and including) the UAE Embassy in that country. If the document is issued or executed in the UAE, it must be attested by a notary public in the UAE or executed at the offices of the DDA Registrar and attested on behalf of the Registrar.
  • The Authority reserves the right to ask for any extra documents it may deem required.
  • The required documents must be in English and / or Arabic. Documents in any other language must be accompanied by a certified English or Arabic translation.
  • Where the RIC form is completed and signed by the applicant in person at the Dubai Development Authority, the applicant’s signature will be certified by Dubai Development Authority personnel.
  • Applicant must obtain residence visa from Dubai Development Authority

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